Stay Well

Stay Well

An experience is a holistic and revolutionary solution that aims to optimize your physical and emotional well-being when traveling.


Stay Well Amenities

Air Purification

To reduce pollen allergens, mold spores and other microbes in the air.

Cleaning protocol

Non-Toxic cleaning products and UV lighting to reduce bacteria, viruses and other microbes.

Cleveland Clinic Newsletter

Complimentary access to Cleveland Clinic’s online programs for sleep, stress and nutrition.

Stay Well Shower Infuser

Reduces chlorine to keep hair and skin soft and smooth.

Stay Well

Stay Well Resort King

550 sq. ft

1 King Bed

Max Guests 3

Our 550 sq. ft. Stay Well Resort King room offers a bold level of comfort featuring Stay Well room amenities.

Check Rates

Stay Well Resort Two Queen

550 sq. ft

2 Queen Beds

Max Guests 4

The 550 sq. ft. Resort Queen room is leisure expressed with enhanced furnishings and a uniquely bold Mandalay Bay style featuring Stay Well room amenities.